2 – Ethical Principles
The Group’s competitiveness and competitive position are closely correlated to the efficiency of the individuals and the means that, when integrated with one another, are able to attain successfully the company’s objectives.
The primary objective of the Group and those directing it is to propose and realise projects, measures, and investments devised to preserve and grow company assets without sacrificing the features peculiar to each single contribution.
The Group, in order to achieve its goals, bases its actions on the following principles:
- compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements prevailing in those countries in which the Group operates;
- compliance with the strictest behavioural requirements in dealings with the Public Administration, in full accordance with institutional functions;
- honesty, transparency and reliability;
- loyalty, correctness and good faith;
- respect of its Employees and Collaborators not bound by an employment contract, and of people in general;
- protection of the environment and safety, including safety in the workplace; (referred to hereinafter as the “Principles”).
Each Employee, Collaborator not bound by an employment contract, member of the Group’s Boards of Directors and members of the Statutory Boards of Auditors are required to comply with the Principles.
In performing their work-related duties, every Employee shall refrain from undertaking activities that are not in the interest of the company in which he/she works and the Group. Each Employee may partake, outside work hours and away from his/her place of work, in activities that are different from those undertaken in the interest of the company in which he/she works and the Group, providing that these activities are permitted by law and compatible with the obligations assumed by him/her as an employee.
The Group’s Employees, Collaborators not bound by an employment contract and members of its Boards of Directors and Statutory Boards of Auditors must nevertheless avoid all activities that constitute a conflict of interest with the company where they operate and/or the Group, with specific regard here to those personal or family interests that could influence their independence in performing the activities assigned to them with the goal of achieving the best interest of the Group.
Each Group Employee, Collaborator not bound by an employment contract, and member of its Boards of Directors and Statutory Boards of Auditors is therefore required to report any situations causing a conflict of interest, even where only potential, adopting the procedures defined by Group companies.
As an example, which is by no means exhaustive, the following are to be considered as situations causing a conflict of interest:
- exploiting one’s own position to realise one’s own interests or the interests of third parties, which conflict with those of the company where he/she works and of the Group;
- using information obtained while undertaking work-related activities to one’s own advantage or to the advantage of third parties;
- holding stakes, interests or interests with Suppliers, Clients or Competitors;
- holding jobs or positions of any kind (Director, Auditor, Internal Auditor, Consultant) with Suppliers, Clients, Competitors.
- General Principles
- Ethical Principles
- Relationships of employees with third parties
- Corporate Governance. Transparency of accounting practice and internal audit procedures. Anti money laundering
- Staff and workplace policies
- Safeguarding safety and protecting the environment
- Confidential information and privacy protection. Insider trading